Episode Title:
The New Villain in Town / Spidey Cat
Episode Description:
"The New Villain in Town": CAL steals a part needed for Doc Ock's Destructo-Bot. They have a fall out as CAL steals the Destructo-Bot. As Team Spidey works to keep everyone safe, Doc Ock catches up with CAL as she chasitizes CAL for stealing the Destructo-Bot. Now Team Spidey works to defeat the Destructo-Bot and break up Doc Ock and CAL's arguments.
"Spidey Cat": After giving Bootsie a Spidey mask, Spidey and Spin end up bringing up Bootsie with them as Green Goblin causes havoc in town. Green Goblin baits Spidey and Spin into a warehouse where he traps them in his Spidey Power Snatcher machine in order to steal their powers. Unfortunately, Bootsie ends up getting the spider powers as Spidey and Spin break free to get Bootsie so that the power transfer can be undone.