Episode Title:
Randou Returns to His Hometown
Episode Description:
The Rising Volteccers arrive in Asagi City to search for Entei. Liko learns the city was named after Randou's fishing boat and discovers it's his hometown. The group meets Mamoru, who recalls the city's movie studio and the "VS Sharpedo" film series. He idolizes the hero, Ginjirou, who vanished after the series. They learn Ginjirou is actually Mighty G, whom they met earlier. Mamoru, initially in denial, accepts that Ginjirou has aged. At the Whirl Islands, Randou, disguised as Mighty G, rescues the group's Syaritatsu and Mamoru's Upah. Mamoru, realizing Randou is Mighty G, takes a photo with him. Without new leads on Entei, Mamoru shares that Entei was seen at a nearby archipelago.