Episode Title:
Rivals in the Dark Night
Episode Description:
Liko and her friends flee with Terapagos as Diana returns to cover their escape from Amethio's team. Amethio follows Liko's group to one of the castle towers, where Friede uses himself as a decoy against Amethio and defeats him. Zirc and Onia corner Liko and Roy while Hamber confronts Diana as she gathers Lucius' memoirs. Suddenly, the Explorers Coral and Sidian make an unauthorized attack on the castle, allowing Diana to escape. After receiving an emergency call from Friede, the Rising Volt Tacklers arrive and rescue Liko and Roy from Coral and Sidian. Diana decides to accompany the Rising Volt Tacklers, giving Lucius' memoirs to Liko and encouraging them to assemble the Six Heroes.