Episode Title:
Catch Up with Luffy! The Straw Hats’ All-Out Battle / Robin Betrayed! The Motive of the World Government!.
Episode Description:
Episode 268 Catch Up with Luffy! The Straw Hats’ All-Out Battle: The Straw Hats struggle to catch up with Luffy, but get caught up in impeding each other's efforts; Sanji and Zoro indulge themselves in petty bickering and Nami injures her crewmates by testing her newly improved weapon. The streets appear empty, abandoned by the men who were fighting Luffy. Just then, the Law's Watch Dog Unit and a large group of other men step into their way. A fight seems inevitable until their allies, riding the king bulls, arrive. Paulie uses his ropes to pull the crew onto the back of one of the large animals. Then the Galley-La foremen replace Straw Hats' in battle to allow the rest of the group to escape.
Episode 269 Robin Betrayed! The Motive of the World Government!: Spandam tells Robin that her crew has come to save her and that he, despite the agreement between her and the CP9, plans on taking them prisoner. On the main road, the Straw Hats and the Franky Family proceed towards the Courthouse Plaza. Chopper talks with the king bull Sodom, who notes that Usopp did not make it onto his back. Meanwhile, frustrated with his inability to move forward, Luffy slingshots himself onto the courthouse. There, Blueno is awaiting his arrival.