Episode Title:
A Rocky Road! Law and Corazon's Journey of Life!.
Episode Description:
Corazon talks to Law about the name "D" and states that they are considered troublesome by most. He also tells Law about his ulterior motives without exposing his relation to the marines. Law threatens Corazon stating that he will tell Doflamingo about his motives and that he could talk. However, Law then changes his mind for Corazon not telling Doflamingo about the stabbing two years ago. As a result, Rosinante takes Law to multiple hospitals in an attempt to save him from the White Lead disease but all the attempts fail. Six months later, Law's disease has worsened and they camp out near the ocean. Corazon stands over Law, who he thinks is asleep, and expresses his regret that Law has to relive the pain he felt in Flevance. Corazon begins crying and states that the pain felt when Law stabbed him was nothing compared to the pain Law must be feeling before walking off. Law, however, was awake and heard everything, and begins crying as well. The next morning, Law wakes Corazon up for breakfast, calling him "Cora-san" to his astonishment. Back in the present, Law presses on his attack on Doflamingo as he swears to himself never to forget the tears Corazon had that night. Inside the palace, Luffy continues dodging Bellamy's strikes when he realizes the Doflamingo clone is behind him. The Doflamingo clone flies toward Luffy as he screams out.