Episode Title:
A Volatile Situation! The Dog and the Cat and the Samurai.
Episode Description:
The monkey from the gate sees the two samurai and immediately rings the warning bell to warn the rest of the country. Duke Dogstorm and Master Cat Viper both mobilize their troops and rush to the ruin city to intercept them. As they search the two kings run into each other and due to their intense rivalry prepare to fight. Meanwhile Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats race to find Kin'emon and Kanjuro (who have already reunited with Momonosuke) and manage to stop them as they enter the city. Kin'emon upon seeing the two kings fight reveals himself and his comrades to the Minks, announcing that they are from the Kozuki clan in the Land of Wano much to Luffy and the others horror. However instead of attacking Dogstorm and Master Cat Viper and the rest of the tribe all bow to the two samurai, quickly explaining to the straw hats that they have been friends with Kin'emon's clan and that they are like family to them. Luffy and the others are then shocked to learn that Raizo had indeed been on Zou all along and that the entire country lied to Jack and the Beast Pirates to keep him safe. Usopp then asks why they would all risk their lives for one person and Master Cat Viper replies that no matter what, they'd never sell out their friends to which Luffy smiles.