Episode Title:
Shaking Up the New World! Caesar's Horrendous Experiment!.
Episode Description:
At the lab, the G-5 Marine soldiers are banging on the door, demanding entry. Meanwhile, the children were returned to the Lab where Caesar ordered his subordinates to make sure they don't escape again. However, Mocha begins to regain her senses, seeing Caesar's subordinates as monsters. Within Caesar's private quarters, Vergo and Monet are waiting for Caesar's return. As soon as he arrived, he revealed that he made a deal with Law in the past to give his heart to him and in exchange he will get to keep Monet's. He shows Law that Vergo is now in possession of his heart while he himself has Smoker's heart, but before he would torture him, Monet informs Caesar that the broadcast is ready. In the broadcast, it is shown that a very large candy is being offered to Smiley, which is a deadly weapon known as Shinokuni. Caesar then ordered the men that brought the candy to quickly return to the Lab. As Zoro's Group are being chased by Smiley, the poison beast saw the candy and promptly swallowed it, ignoring the false heartfelt words from Caesar. He then laughs as everyone watching the broadcast sees the creature behaving strangely.