Episode Title:
The Time Limit Closes in! The Bond Between the Mink Tribe and the Crew!.
Episode Description:
Sanji, Chopper and Caesar temporarily leave the ruined city to formulate a plan when they hear Nami cry out in distress. Sanji immediately comes to her rescue and saves her from a group of Jack's subordinates who then quickly flee the island. Regrouping they force Caesar to use his powers to clear away the gas and to help create an antidote since he was the one who created it. As soon as the gas is removed they move in to help the wounded when Nami is attacked by an angry Wanda who thinks they are with Jack. However she immediately relents when Pedro confirms they are not. With Caesar's help Chopper creates an antidote which the rest of the crew quickly administers to the survivors. After everyone's been treated Sanji passes out food to hungry while Brook plays music to the Minks delight. Wanda explain that they owe a debt to the straws hats that they hope they can one day repay. Chopper then announces that its time for him to check on Master Cat Viper and the crew asks to tag along which Wanda allows.