Episode Title:
Donald's Double Trouble.
Episode Description:
Donald is inside a telephone booth in a telephone call with Daisy, who scolds him for a lack of manners and criticizes him for his poor use of the English language and threatens to end their relationship if Donald doesn't learn to speak proficiently after which she slams the phone down and the telephone booth literally explodes, depicting Daisy as extremely furious, and Donald's clothes worn-out in the process. Fearing that he will lose Daisy, Donald wanders through the streets to figure out a solution when he meets a nameless look-alike British-accented duck with a more pleasant voice and temper than him, whom he offers money to impersonate him in order to win back Daisy. The plan goes awry when the look-alike starts falling for Daisy who is calling him Donald since he looks a lot like him, which incurs Donald's wrath and jealousy. For the rest of the date, Donald tries everything to prevent them from getting closer and win back Daisy himself...