Episode Title:
Beach Picnic.
Episode Description:
Donald Duck is at the beach singing happily, having a sea bathing and a picnic. After preparing the food, he tries to ride on a rubber horse named Seabiscuit, but gets repeatedly bounced off, annoying him. Donald then spots Pluto sleeping soundly on the shore, and decides to prank him by pushing Seabiscuit near him and mimicking a horse's whinnying. The mesmerized Pluto tries to chase Seabiscuit around some rocky reefs, but he soon gets repeatedly frightened by the horse bumping him from behind. Pluto then frantically tries to press Seabiscuit into the water, to no avail. Getting angry, Pluto bites on the rubber horse's muzzle, accidentally causing its inflation nozzle to pop open, and the air inside to be sucked in his own belly. As the rubber horse goes completely flat, Pluto is sent flying in the air like a deflating balloon and crashes into a shipwreck on the shore...