Episode Title:
Cured Duck.
Episode Description:
Donald decides to visit Daisy at her home. Daisy is first annoyed by Donald blowing smoke from his cigar into her face. Daisy asks Donald to open the windows. Donald struggles and strains to open it, but it won't budge. Donald strains so hard his face sweats, turns red with anger, and he nearly tears the house apart with his straining, but still the window doesn't move. This causes Donald to enter an uncontrolled and maniacal rage. He smashes the window, tears down curtains, rips a refrigerator off its base, destroys a sofa, destroys some dishes, and even rips telephones and power lines through the wall, virtually wrecking the house. Daisy is appalled at his behavior and shows Donald that he just needed to turn the little knob atop the frame to open it. Disappointed, she tells him, "Temper, temper, shame on you. You never see me lose my temper, do you?" Upset at how easily he got angry, she orders Donald to leave and she refuses to go out with him until he can control his temper...