Episode Title:
Donald's Gold Mine.
Episode Description:
Donald Duck is a gold miner. While digging ore in his gold mine, Donald sings "Oh My Darling, Clementine". His donkey mocks his terrible singing and Donald kicks his minecart into it, in retaliation, provoking a series of tit-for-tat attacks between them. Afterwards, Donald accidentally gets his pickaxe stuck up the back of his shirt. In the course of trying to separate himself from the pickaxe (which, at one stage, involves Donald getting the pickaxe head stuck on his own head), Donald fortuitously uncovers a rich vein of gold. In his excitement, he tosses the nuggets up into the air and they spook the donkey as they clatter to the ground. The donkey takes off, dragging the minecart, and Donald along with it, off to the entry chute of the nearby ore processor...