Episode Title:
Episode Description:
Donald Duck is portrayed as a hobo, walking along railroad tracks singing She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain. He smells tasty things, and follows the scent to a log cabin which, unfortunately, is the home of evil Peg-Leg Pete. While Pete is trying to enjoy lunch, Donald steals all the food off of Pete's table, which makes Pete angry. Pete then hands Donald a stick of dynamite which Donald takes, thinking it is food; it blows up on him. Pete (in a French-Canadian accent) tells Donald that if he wants food he'll have to work as a lumberjack for Pete. Pete hands Donald an axe, which is so heavy it pushes Donald into the trunk of a tree. In an attempt to get out of the job, Donald breaks the axe with a stone and shows it to Pete, but Pete simply responds by putting the blade on a piece of wood and hitting it, creating a new handle. Donald ends up swinging the axe so hard it breaks the blade off, which goes over Pete and cuts off part of his pants. Deciding that it is too hard to work with an old-fashioned axe, Donald uses a crosscut saw which he finds in a tree trunk and begins using it instead...