Episode Title:
It Happening One Night.
Episode Description:
A team of avant-garde supervillains known as "The Doom Factory" get an opportunity to arch Dr. Venture, and announce their attack to take place on the same night as Hank's date with Sirena. Hank ignores Brock's orders to stay secured in the building and recruits Dean, Billy and Pete to assist him in impressing her. Meanwhile, Dr. Mrs. the Monarch struggles to convince the rest of the Council that Dr. Venture is the Blue Morpho. The Monarch tricks her and uses one of the Blue Morpho's darts to sedate her, giving himself and 21 time to find and destroy the Doom Factory's underwater base in Brooklyn. Brock searches for Hank only to find that he and Sirena have disappeared, and is forced to team up with one of Wide Wale's henchmen to find them. They track the two to a ninja-themed restaurant where Brown Widow works, only to leave shortly before Brock arrives to go swimming by the Statue of Liberty. The Monarch and 21 set explosives at the Doom Factory's base, but the Monarch gets stuck when trying to escape. The base, which is actually a flying saucer, heads to the Venture building, where the Doom Factory has robbed Dr. Venture of many of his inventions. The Monarch falls off the saucer as it leaves, only for the explosives to suddenly detonate, killing the entire Doom Factory. He comes face to face with Venture, who once again does not recognize him. Later, the Monarch fakes being tranquilized by the Blue Morpho himself to hide his activity from his wife. Phantom Limb contacts her and admits that the Blue Morpho is real before asking her what she needs to eradicate him.