Episode Title:
The Family That Slays Together, Stays Together Part 2.
Episode Description:
O.S.I.'s General Treister is horrified to learn from Mr. Doe and Mr. Cardholder that their three best assassins have been killed by Brock, and decides to take matters into his own hands. The Venture family is saved by The Cleaner, who Brock discovers has been sent to them by Molotov Cocktease in her attempts to save them. With H.E.L.P.eR in their possession, the Monarch tracks down the Ventures and demands their surrender, while Brock is also contacted by Treister. Brock decides to speak to both at the same time to meet him at the Venture compound at dawn. Dr. Mrs. the Monarch believes it all to be a trap, but the Monarch reveals he has planted a bomb on H.E.L.P.eR. At dawn, the forces of the Monarch and O.S.I. face off, both believing the other to be under Brock's employ. Sergeant Hatred and Dr. Venture have an argument as to who has done worse things, until Hank says that they should use his "Christmas presents" (the clone slugs) to stop the fight. With the clone slugs led by Hatred, and all easily killed by the Monarch in his new Death's Head Panoply suit, Brock stops the fight and learns that Treister was only responding to his distress call. Brock decides that he has had enough and quits O.S.I. and his mission guarding the Ventures, just as H.E.L.P.eR's bomb goes off, taking Henchman 24's life in the process. After the credits, Molotov Cocktease is pleased that the world's top three assassins have been killed and now her Black Hearts Assassins are the best in the world. She calls for a toast to Brock Samson, and is joined by Hunter Gathers who is one of her fellow Black Hearts.