Episode Title:
Perchance to Dean.
Episode Description:
Dean discovers his hair is falling out. Rusty indoctrinates Dean into his career as a super scientist, using inspiration from various progressive rock albums. A deformed and supposedly aborted Dean clone, D-19, lives in the compound's attic; Hank discovers a "Dean shrine" created by the clone. D-19 hallucinates that Rusty wants him to become the new Dean by making a skinsuit out of the many dead Dean clones. A UPS man delivering a large supply of plastic explosives to Sergeant Hatred (who plans to use it to create explosive decoys of Dr. Venture) believes that something sinister is happening in the compound when he discovers an open grave containing Dean clones. Hank is grounded, but gets a visit from Dermott, and the two raise hell in the compound. Hank hits one of the dead Dean clones with his car; believing he has killed his brother, he runs away from home. This also damages the corpse that D-19 was using to complete his Dean skinsuit, so he stalks the "real" Dean to obtain a replacement. Dean believes that D-19 is the result of a failed experiment in which he added his hair to Shrinky Dinks, and he flees the deformed clone. The police arrive to shut down the compound at the insistence of the UPS man. D-19 corners Dean, but hallucinates that Dr. Venture has accepted him as "the real Dean". D-19 hugs one of the many explosive Dr. Venture decoys and is destroyed. The real Dr. Venture is later arrested, and blames Hank for the debacle.