Episode Title:
The Invisible Hand of Fate.
Episode Description:
A head injury causes Billy Quizboy to recover his lost memories: Pete White made him cheat on a quiz show, ruining their reputations, and the two were rebuffed upon trying to get jobs working for Billy's hero, Dr. Venture. White mistakenly entered Billy in a dogfight, where he lost his hand and eye. Given robotic replacements by the Office of Secret Intelligence, Billy was enrolled undercover into the college course of Professor Fantomos, which Brock and Col. Gathers suspected was a recruiting front for the Guild of Calamitous Intent. He was involved in the accident that transformed Fantomos into Phantom Limb, then had his memory wiped by the O.S.I. and was left in White's care, while Brock was demoted to being Dr. Venture's bodyguard.