Episode Title:
Mine and Ours / The Andraven Circuit
Episode Description:
Mine and Ours: Kai, Nubs, Lys, Inaya and Cyrus attend a celebration organised by the Ootoan miners of Ootoo Prime to marke a new mining discovery. During a tour of the mines, Cyrus steals a yellow gemstone but disturbs a swarm of armored amberflies, who devour gems and terrorize the guests and miners. Working together, the younglings help the miner Ayva Ackler to use a giant gemstone to lure the insects back to their nest and seal the cave. Cryus sacrifices his gemstone and brooch in the process. Besides learning a lesson, Cyrus and Inaya develop affections for each other.
The Andraven Circuit: The three Jedi younglings accompany their Andraven friend Gumar on a rite of passage known as the Andraven Ancestors Circuit. The circuit involves riding a sled drawn by three seal-like wellagrin and obtaining three objects: heat stones, snowfigs and a kao reed flute. Though Gumar accomplishes the first two with the help of his Jedi friends, the group are pursued by a legendary Zaba wolf. Before the wolf can hurt Nubs, Gumar fashions a flute out of kao reed and tames the wolf. Gumar completes the quest, impressing his father and the organiser by taming a Zaba wolf.