Episode Title:
The Last Battle.
Episode Description:
On a salvage mission to an old Clone Wars battlefield led by Captain Rex, the Ghost crew is captured by a unit of old battle droids. Their commander, a Super Tactical Droid named "General Kalani",[46] managed to avoid the army-wide shutdown command and wants to pit his forces against Rex and the Jedi in order to conclude whether the Separatist or Republic forces are superior once and for all. As Rex, Ezra, and Kanan battle the droids, Chopper manages to sneak away and send a distress signal to Hera and Sabine - Ezra then discovers Chopper immediately afterwards, with Chopper also having discovered a trio of intact and still-spaceworthy Nemoidian shuttles. However, the Empire also receives the distress call and dispatches an assault force. Rex and the Jedi manage to reach "Kalani", and Ezra points out to him that neither the Republic nor the Separatists won the Clone Wars, but were in fact both defeated by the Empire. Ezra also notes that since the Separatists were originally fighting to resist tyranny, the battle droids should naturally oppose the Empire. "Kalani" sees the logic in Ezra's words, with the Ghost crew and the droids working together to escape the Imperial assault force in two of the trio of vintage Nemoidian shuttles Chopper found; the one on which the Spectres escape with becoming the lost Phantom's replacement craft. Calculating that the Rebellion has less than 1% chance of succeeding against the Empire, "Kalani" amicably parts ways with the Rebels. Rex congratulates Ezra for doing what no Senator, Clone, or Jedi ever could: convincing clones and battle droids to set aside their differences.