Episode Title:
Legends of the Lasat.
Episode Description:
Upon receiving word from a contact about refugees wanted by the Empire, Ezra led the Rebels to Nixus Hub 218 on a rescue mission to save them. They arrived where they were supposed to meet these refugees, only to have found Imperial forces already present guarding a storage container carrying the refugees. The Imperials opened the container and holding them at gunpoint, they forced the refugees out. To Zeb’s surprise, the refugees were Lasats. Then just as the Imperials escorted the two Lasats to a detention facility, Zeb and the Rebels attacked and freed them. They took down all the troopers and after Ezra blasted the Imperial officer in charge, his contact, who turned out to be Hondo Ohnaka, showed up. The two Lasats were known as Chava the wise and Gron, and they recognized Zeb as the former captain of the Lasan Honor Guard, much to Zeb’s discomfort. His fellow Rebels were surprised, because he never told them that he was a captain. All Zeb could say was that it was a long time ago and forgot it all since then. Knowing that reinforcements may shop up, the Rebels fled back to the ship, as Hondo realized that he was not getting his payment for doing his part, as Ezra promised. Not long after they had gone, a squad of Stormtroopers came across Hondo. To get back at Ezra for double crossing him and collect a possible reward for the Rebel’s capture, he told the Stormtroopers where they were.