Episode Title:
Legacy of Mandalore.
Episode Description:
Sabine, Ezra, Kanan and Rau travel from Atollon to Krownest in the Mandalore sector in order to straighten out matters with Sabine's estranged family. However, the initial reception is quite hostile, since Sabine is still considered a traitor to her family due to her defection from the Empire. Upon being presented with the Darksaber, Sabine's mother, Countess Ursa, allows her daughter the benefit of a personal conversation, but is still too fearful of an Imperial reprisal against her people, and her husband held hostage, to join with the Rebellion, and so she decides to sell out the Jedi to Gar Saxon in exchange for Sabine's freedom. Saxon, however, immediately goes back on his word and denounces the entire Clan Wren traitors to the Empire. Clan Wren and the rebels start fighting back against the Imperial collaborators, and wielding Ezra's lightsaber, Sabine engages in a personal duel against Saxon and the Darksaber. Sabine emerges victorious, but as she turns away from him and Saxon prepares to shoot her in the back, Ursa kills him instead, thus restoring her broken ties with her daughter. Foreseeing the chaos Mandalore will face with the demise of its Imperial governor, Sabine and Rau decide to stay behind and help restore order, and for Sabine to find the one person who is truly worthy of leading her people into the war against the Empire.