Episode Title:
Fire Across the Galaxy.
Episode Description:
The crew of the Ghost seize an Imperial transport and use an old stolen TIE Fighter to infiltrate and disable Tarkin's stardestroyer in the Mustafar system. Ezra frees Kanan using the duct system while Hera, Sabine and Zeb attempt to secure an escape route. Ambushed in the engine room, Ezra and Kanan vanquish the Inquisitor in a lightsaber duel, critically damaging the engines in the process. Both groups successfully emerge the doomed destroyer with stolen TIEs, and the stolen transport flown by Chopper appears with a number of other ships including the Ghost to ensure escape into hyperspace. Senator Organa greets the Ghost crew by hologram and Fulcrum, who piloted their ship during the rescue, is revealed to be Ahsoka Tano. On Lothal following the Inquisitor's death, Tarkin introduces Agent Kallus to another agent selected by Emperor Palpatine to destroy the rebels: Darth Vader.