Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru? Episode 5 English Subbed InfoEpisode Description:
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Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru? Episode 5 English Subbed Episode Title:What's Your Sports Day Event?.Episode Description:At school, Rumika tells the class to choose the event for Sports Day. The class decides on doing a 400 meter relay. At the gym, Machio suggests the girls should train their hamstrings by doing leg curls. The next day, the girls are walking to school when Hibiki complains about how sore she is due to the exercise. Later, the final event of Sports Day is the relay with Hibiki and Akemi serving as the anchors for their respective classes. While awaiting her turn, Hibiki remembers how Machio instructed her to try the Bicycle Crunch. When her turn finally comes, her classmate drops the baton...