Episode Title:
The Culprit is Genta's Dad (Part 2)
Episode Description:
The police interrogate the three finalists and learn all three culprits share the same shoe size, voice, and were all left handed. When a gun is found in Gonsaku's bag, Gonsaku's servant reveals that the gang, Hyakki Yakō, invaded Gonsaku's house, stole the deer and butterfly paintings, and murdered Gonsaku's dog. During the invasion, Gonsaku is spared due to the gang's leader sharing the same surname as Gonsaku, Kojima. Conan deduces Gonsaku hosted the competition in order to search for the gang's leader. Conan realizes Gonsaku figured out who the leader of the gang was due to the final competition where the contenders must read a single kanji written on a piece of paper...