Episode Title:
Conan and Heiji's Nue Legend (Scratch Chapter)
Episode Description:
Someji’s brutal murder is investigated.Among the visitors were Tanzawa Michiki the archaeologist, Masuko Fumie, an art school graduate who is knowledgeable about Japanese monsters, Someji the deceased documentary reporter/historian knowledgeable about Tokugawa's buried treasure and Hajime, a fledgling reporter who travels across the country for monster stories. Heiji was invited as a last minute resort because Kogoro and Kudo Shinichi are unavailable.
Flames suddenly combust, a nue is heard screaming and Tanzawa is found dead from poison. Two sting marks are discovered under his chin. Densuke recalls a drop of water falling on his cheek the same moment Tanzawa was killed. Inspector Yokomizo Sango of Shizuoka Police arrives and sends in the Shizuoka Prefectural Military Self Defense Force to immobilize the area. Fumie denies involvement in the murders and Hajime was too far away from the scene of the crime.