Episode Title:
Big, Bad Hundley / George's Simple Siphon.
Episode Description:
Big, Bad Hundley: When Hundley notices a big dog named Goliath helping the Doorman in the lobby, he wishes he were taller. George and Marco try to help the dachshund by giving him stilts, platform shoes, and even a fun house mirror to makes Hundley look big. But nothing cheers Hundley up until he figures out that good things come in all sizes.
George's Simple Siphon: On the first hot day of summer, George, Bill and Allie decide to take a dip in Bill's pool only to discover that the pool is filled with algae! Even oars, rubber boots, pots, pans, and yellow rain hats won't empty the green water. Hot and tired, George gets a refreshing idea while sipping lemonade from his super long straw. Simple siphon to the rescue!