Episode Title:
Feeling Antsy / Maple Monkey Madness.
Episode Description:
Feeling Antsy: One morning in the city, a breakfast mishap leads to a mess of food all over the floor of the apartment. The Man leaves George to clean it up before ants come into the apartment because "Once ants come into an apartment you can never get rid of them." Sure, enough, George finds one ant, then two, then an entire army, and Hundley's quest for a clean hallway leads him into George's apartment...
Maple Monkey Madness: It's a winter morning in the country, the perfect time for pancakes, but George and The Man seem to be out of syrup! The Man tells George that syrup comes from trees, but not growing ON them, growing IN them! You just have to tap the trees. Unfortunately George and Allie cannot get any syrup to come out no matter how hard they tap the trees...