Episode Title:
Grease Monkeys in Space / Piñata Vision.
Episode Description:
Grease Monkeys in Space: The Man With the Yellow Hat is about to get a big job! He is going to go up into space to fix the Einstein-Pizza Space Telescope, which is broken and pointed right at Pizza's kitchen window. Dr. Einstein and Professor Pizza explain that the spaceship has a self-locking air lock but they accidentally forgot to make a way to open it from outside...
Piñata Vision: George is at Betsy's birthday party and sees that they have something he has never seen before, a piñata! After George is told how to play, he goes on a free-swinging spree and winds up breaking everything in the backyard BUT the piñata! Aunt Margret tells George to stay outside and play with Charkie and asks him to put his blindfold on and follow her around the backyard with his other senses...