Episode Title:
School of Dance / Curious George Sounds Off.
Episode Description:
School of Dance: Everyone in the country is excited about Allie's big dance party. Everyone, that is except Bill, who wants to avoid going to the party because he can't dance. George sees Mr. and Mrs. Renkins practicing the box step for the dance and that's when he decides that all he needs to do is teach Bill to dance. But George can't seem to figure out how to teach Bill unable to speak...
Curious George Sounds Off: Chef Pisghetti has some new friends outside the kitchen, the four hens Eeney, Meeney, Miney, and Freckles, so he can have the freshest eggs possible to use for his food. But the only problem is, his new hens don't seem to be making any. George decides to stay with the chickens overnight in their coop to see what is making them unhappy and soon finds out...