Episode Title:
Fire In The Sky / Ready To Rampage
Episode Description:
Fire In The Sky: Dan Kouzo narrates about what his life was like before the Bakugan came to Earth about a year ago. His mother attempted to persuade him to take up an activity that he would be passionate about, but he wasn’t interested in any of them. Dan is part of a friend group, consisting of himself and his best friends Griffin Tessly and Mia Ono. The Bakugan eventually crash land on Earth unexpectedly, and Dan ends up meeting Dragonoid for the first time, and he began to show him everything there is to know about Earth...
Ready To Rampage: Following Drago's discovery of the new ability that allowed him to grow into a giant all of a sudden when he and Dan developed a mystical connection with each other, many Brawlers have begun to achieve the same ability with their Bakugan as well. Furthermore, the card technology that the Brawlers possess have the ability to generate battle arenas called Bakugan Ability Modification Zones (BAM Zones for short) which also generate power-ups called BAM's (Bakugan Ability Modifications) that have three types of power-ups: strength, speed, and health that the Brawlers can use to power-up their Bakugan in battle...