Episode Title:
A Hope Bound for the Future!.
Episode Description:
Aporia summons Machine Emperor Skiel by destroying Sky Core, but then he destroys Skiel using a trap, so that he can draw the spell card "Destroyed Future." Then, Aporia activates its effects, choosing to destroy his own deck, so that he can use his card, After Glow, on his next turn, in an attempt to guarantee a win against Z-ONE, if he is able to draw After Glow during his next Draw Phase. However, during the Standby Phase of his next turn, Timelord Metaion returns to Z-ONE's deck, and he summons another Timelord, Razion, using Nonexistence's effect once more. Razion's effect returns all of Aporia's cards in his Graveyard back to his deck, which was then shuffled. As a result, Aporia is unable to draw the card he needs (After Glow), and is defeated by Razion's effect, which deals him 1,000 points of damage when he draws a card on the draw phase. Before Aporia dies, he gives Yusei's Duel Runner wings, by fusing his duel disk with Yusei's Duel Runner, allowing it to fly. Yusei challenges Z-ONE to a final turbo duel taking place in the skies between New Domino City and Ark Cradle as the collision approaches, which will be broadcast across New Domino City, through the Ark Cradle. The Ark Cradle then glows Rainbow, the walls of the room then turns transparent, which gives the Signers an upside down view of New Domino City, and huge monitors appear around the Ark Cradle, which will be used for the broadcast. The other Signers then decide to give their dragon cards to Yusei to fight Z-ONE with, knowing that he will need all the help that he can get in order to beat Z-ONE. The duel begins with Z-ONE immediately Tribute Summoning Timelord Metaion, using Time Maiden's ability to count as 2 tributes for the summoning of a Fairy-type monster.