Episode Title:
The Suspension Bridge Towards the Future - The Rainbow Bridge Bitfrost!.
Episode Description:
Sherry reveals that Z-ONE has shown her the future, and insists that Yusei not board the Ark Cradle, revealing she has switched sides to join Z-ONE, since she was convinced that Yliaster's plan was the only was to prevent the global destruction in the future. She also reveals that now having joined Z-ONE, she will do everything in her power to stop him. Despite this knowledge, Yusei still wants to do something to save the city. Sherry then reports to Z-ONE that Yusei did not heed her warning. When Z-ONE asks why she warned him, Sherry simply replies that the warning will cause Yusei to do something, which would allow her to kill Yusei herself, like to promised herself to. Yusei is then approached by Team Ragnarok whom, with the help of Bruno, manage to use the old Ener-D reactor and the Nordic Gods to create a path from Daedelus Bridge to the Ark Cradle. Yusei wants to go on his own; however, the rest of Team 5D's decide to join him, with Bruno following them in his Vizor form. Herald then activates the Rainbow Bridge Bifrost spell card to help support the bridge. Before Yusei boards the Ark Cradle, he looks to the spirit of Rex Goodwin, his hero, for help on what he should do. As Team Ragnarok becomes unable to maintain the bridge, Yusei and Bruno help Akiza, and Luna reach the Ark Cradle safely, and then they join Jack, Crow, and Leo, who have already reached the Ark Cradle before them. However, upon arriving the Ark Cradle's roof, they fall into a trap that was set by Z-ONE. As a result, the crew falls through a hole in the floor, and gets separated. Then, they all begin the long fall towards the deep interior of the Ark Cradle.