Episode Title:
A Do-or-Die Battle! The Machine Divine Emperor VS The Synchro Monsters.
Episode Description:
As Yusei faces against Aporia's attack, Jack and Crow come to join him, despite their injuries. They then provide the traps that Yusei needs in order to reflect Mechanicle's attack. But when Aporia negates Mechanicle's destruction, his life points are reduced from 3,900 to 3,400. Yusei then Special Summons Scar-Red Nova Dragon and Black-Winged Dragon, in order to give Shooting Star Dragon attack points up to 9,600. But Aporia manages to counter Yusei's strategy, and has his Machine Divine Emperor Mechanicle Infinity Cubic negate the attack, and absorb both dragons, which increases the Machine Divine Emperor's attack points from 4,000 to 10,300. Aporia then uses a trap, which reduces Yusei's life points from 2,800 down to 400, and allows his life points to rise back up from 3,400 to 4,000. However, thanks to the wishes of the Signers, Yusei is able to draw the cards he need that are in their possession. Then, Yusei re-summons the two dragons, and special summons Shooting Star Dragon as a Synchro Monster, and now has the 3 Signer Dragons back on his side of the field. As a result, Mechanicle's attack points drop from 10,300 back down to 4,000. But despite this, Yusei is still in a desperate situation, as Aporia still has the upper hand of the duel.