Episode Title:
Notice of Termination of Service.
Episode Description:
A salaryman is traveling on business when he passes by three different funerals. He wonders what happened but thinks nothing more of it. At the hotel he stays at, he asks the clerk if they're any good restaurants around, though the clerk tells him they close at nine PM. Since it's already 9:15, the salaryman decides to go to his room: Room 404. As he settles down into his room, he notices an odd notice at the bottom of the program guide, "Notice of Termination of Service". After taking a shower, he decides to watch TV, but only static comes on and when he tries to turn it off, he finds that he can't. Then, he sees images of the people to be buried at the funerals he passed by. He thinks he hears something, so he turns up the volume, and he hears a voice saying, "The time has come to say goodbye." Suddenly, the door rattles and the phone starts ringing. He answers the latter, but there's no one there. The door continues to rattle and the voice on the TV continues to repeat itself. The man becomes afraid and pleads for it all to stop. And just like that, the sounds stop. He hears housekeeping and swings open the door, demanding what is wrong with this hotel. But instead of housekeeping, he sees several silhouettes of people and he hears the TV come back on. Then he sees his own picture in the TV and the voice says, "Goodbye."