Episode Title:
White Line.
Episode Description:
A teacher stays after school, grading her students' tests when she suddenly notices a child playing in the schoolyard. The boy, garbed in a worn out, unfamiliar school uniform, is drawing something with chalk used to make diamonds on baseball fields. She goes outside to tell him off, but he's already gone. Stranger still, the chalk line is leading away from the yard and into the school. She follows the lines through the first floor hall and up the second floor stairs, listening to the line marker's wheels scraping on the floor. Then she follows the line up to the third floor and finally to a door that leads to the roof. She opened the door, but the boy wasn't there and the line seems to have gone over the banister. She looks over and sees a mark of white chalk, almost as if the boy tossed a bag of chalk dust off the roof and onto the pavement... She turns around, and sees the white line now turning black followed by the footsteps of people. The door opens and five black chalk outlines come walking out and she realizes too late that the white line was meant to lure her to the roof, just like it had with its past victims. The last thing she sees as the black finally reaches her is the boy looking out the door and the last thing she hears is the sound of five thuds with a sixth following suit.