Episode Title:
Shadow of the Moon, the Sea of Shadow - The Sixth Chapter.
Episode Description:
Kourin is reprimanded by King Kou about letting Yoko live. He then sends Sugimoto away to the land that was promised her. Meanwhile, Yoko awakens to find herself in a cottage being cared for by a large rat that can talk. She's also visited off and on by Aozaru who continues to tell her not to trust anyone. Rakushun, the rat, realizes that Yoko knows almost nothing about the Twelve Kingdoms and so shows her a crude map. He also explains how babies are plucked from trees and not grown inside the mother's stomachs as they are on Earth. He suggests that Yoko travel to En because kaikyaku and hanjyuu (creatures like himself) are held in higher regard there than in Kou. Sugimoto arrives at her lands and is told she must stay there even though she wants to go back to the castle since she is the "chosen one". Later, as Rakushun and Yoko enter a city, they are set upon by youma, a flock of kochou, and Yoko draws her sword, relishing the fight.