Episode Title:
Shadow of the Moon, the Sea of Shadow - The Tenth Chapter.
Episode Description:
Yoko, Rakushun and King En are attacked once again and Yoko takes out the leader so the rest of the youma disperse. King En takes them to an inn where they talk. Yoko says she's not a queen and yet King En thinks she is since he recognizes the sword that she has. He tells her that the scabbard is dead and that she will see visions (like Aozaru) until she has mastered the sword. She agrees to go to the King's palace but first runs to get Rakushun. Once at the palace, Yoko gets refreshed and then meets a handsome man she discovers is Rakushun's human form. Enki, the King's kirin, tells Yoko that Keiki is being held enchanted by an imposter queen in Kei. They tell her that she must rescue him and become the ruler of Kei. Faced with a decision, Yoko takes the night to come to terms with what she wants. On her way to her rooms, one of the King servants begins a story about King En and Enki.