Episode Title:
Shadow of the Moon, the Sea of Shadow - The Third Chapter.
Episode Description:
The Kiki are the same kind of youma that saved Sugimoto earlier and so she thinks that Keiki is around. They are attacked however but manage to escape when Yoko fights them off with her sword. Later Asano tells the two girls that he saw Keiki change shapes and apparently die. Meanwhile, the King and Kourin talk about the free kaikyaku and that they must be destroyed. He sends a bird with Kourin to make sure this happens. Now very hunger, the three strangers make toward a village farmhouse for food and clothes. They are caught by Taiki, the owner, and Sugimoto tries to get Yoko to kill her. She does not and Taiki feeds and clothes them and promises them work. They head to another town with Taiki that is a three walk. On the way they stop in a town and here Yoko has a waking dream where a man named Aozaru uses masks of people she's known to erode her beliefs and confidence. He tells her that everyone would be better of without her around.