Episode Title:
Autumn Adventure.
Episode Description:
For a Rilonian festival of Make Believe, Teddy, Grubby and Gimmick dressed themselves up as Mudblubs, and although their costumes didn't seem to scare anyone, it did manage to scare one that wasn't scared of anything, the Wooly Whatsit. With the Wooly Whatsit dressed as a flower, they attended the Make Believe festival held by the Jungle Grunges. Meanwhile, Tweeg misread the headline of the Newspaper and thought Quellor has changed his mind of hunting him down and throwing him into the dungeons. Thinking that he would want him back, he decided to go to Quellor personally to give him a present of chocolate slugs and thorns. Little did he know that Quellor thought Tweeg was smooshed by the three henchmonsters, which when they gave a toast to Tweeg's Ghost, Quellor got exceedingly furious with the henchmonsters when Tweeg strolled in with the gifts. Quellor kicked the henchmonsters out and had Tweeg thrown into the dungeons...