Episode Title:
The Big Escape.
Episode Description:
Quellor lands at the Ying Zoo and demands that the Wizard release Jack into his custody. The Wizard does, and also provides Quellor with an electrical generator that allows the Supreme Oppressor to generate miniature lightning bolts. Jack's memory is restored, and he is coerced into reciting the recipe for turning buttermilk into gold. Meanwhile, Grubby is put to work on Gimmick's rollercoaster project, which now includes a mechanism that will allow everyone to escape. Teddy remains firmly locked in his cage, where he finds a carving on the floor that says "Teddy + Ilana". Teddy suddenly wonders whether the previous Illiop held at the zoo may have been his father. Grubby cooks up some root stew in the Airship (now a seafood restaurant!) and the Octopedes begin setting the other captives free while the Wizard is conveniently preoccupied by Quellor and the other guards are all at Wizardland. Grubby ties a strong rope to Teddy's cage, and is launched out of the zoo by Gimmick's modified rollercoaster. He then ties the rope to the Subwater Boat and begins trying to yank Teddy free. The Wizard finally realizes that his exhibits are getting away, and he, Quellor, and the MAVO henchmen race to the rollercoaster, but get stuck in a slick of root stew. Gimmick and Xerxa stay behind as the other Octopedes are launched out of the zoo. The rope finally rips Teddy's cage free and crashes into the generator to Quellor's new lightning projector, overloading it and shocking Quellor. Xerxa and Gimmick race to the Airship and head for the sky, while Jack escapes in the confusion. Grubby frees Teddy from the Illiop cage, as Eleanor and LB find Jack near the zoo. Jack pretends to still be mindless, and Eleanor and LB begin to haul him home.