Episode Title:
Octopede Sailors.
Episode Description:
The Trio attempt to airlift the Subwater Boat back to Gimmick's House, inspiring Gimmick to develop a larger airbag for the Airship when he realizes the current one is unable to carry the heavy load. The Trio settle on towing the Airship with the Subwater Boat instead, and wind up in a hurricane, where they meet a ship manned by Octopedes. Also learn more about Grubby's past is revieled, including how he came to live inRillonia, and how Captain Xelxa of the Octopede ship once saved his life. Also meet Xena (Octopede Princess?) appears, Xelxa's daughter, who appears to have the hots for Grubby. The storm whips up again, and the Octopede ship is damaged when it strikes a reef, forcing the group to head for the nearest shore. Jack wanders home to Eleanor's house, in a childlike state, then unexpectedly runs off. Meanwhile, LB gets kicked out of MAVO HQ when he tries to steal the Black Box to restore Jack's memory. LB makes his way to Eleanor's house, where the two of them decide that maybe they ought to look for Jack.