Episode Title:
Knight Must Fall / The Devious Dr. Dumpty.
Episode Description:
Knight Must Fall: Spider-Man must face off against Sir Galahad, a villainous knight on a motorcycle with an electrified lance who has gone on a crime spree, all the while avoiding bad press from J. Jonah Jameson. Galahad first stops a robbery, then takes the money himself. Spider-Man defeats him in a joust when he tries to steal a sword which belonged to King Arthur, knocking him into the waterfront.
The Devious Dr. Dumpty: Spider-Man fights Dr. Humperdink Dumpty, a Falstaffian criminal who uses balloon-themed devices, at a town parade when they rob an actress. However, they escape in a balloon and knock Spider-Man off. Though Spider-Man is saved by landing on a giant balloon in his own likeness. He later captures them when they try robbing a soiree using laughing gas.