Episode Title:
Super Swami / The Birth of Micro-Man.
Episode Description:
Super Swami: An evil swami uses illusions to create chaos in the city, like causing a bridge to apparently disappear with mass hypnosis and causing a snowstorm just by blowing. Somehow, Spider-Man ends up in his crystal ball. However, he escapes and sees dry ice, which he realizes caused the snowstorm. He finally encounters the swami, who tries to shoot him. He is captured by Spider-Man, who exposes him as a fraud, knocks him into a river, and has him arrested by the police.
The Birth of Micro-Man: A mad scientist named Professor Pretorius escapes from prison and plots widespread devastation with a nuclear weapon that he calls "The Kingdom Come Machine". While on the run from police, the snickering villain gets a ride from Peter Parker, who is returning home from a college party...