Episode Title:
Cadet Dodo
Episode Description:
When Vulture fires Dodo, the forlorn assistant doesn't know what he'll do or where he'll go. Wanting to help, the kids suggest that he enlist in Stardust Space Academy. Dodo's intrigued: he can actually do that? Headmaster Crane agrees to give him a chance, so the cadets welcome the newest Space Racer to their team: Cadet Dodo. On a group mission with Eagle, Robyn and Hawk to Saturn's moon Io, Dodo makes an accidental discovery: a previously uncharted (and very smelly) sulfur lake. Back on Earth, Vulture gets wind of the find. Wanting the glory for himself, he quickly rehires his former sidekick and, on a wing-shake of newfound trust, they're reunited. Space explorers are granted the honor of naming their discoveries... so Dodo cheerfully names his Vulture Lake... which, to Vulture's chagrin, turns out to be the stinkiest lake in the solar system!