Episode Title:
Careering Off Course
Episode Description:
It’s Career Day at the Academy, when the Racers are evaluated for their most suitable future job and given a chance to try it out. To their surprise, Robyn and Eagle find their roles reversed: Eagle is pegged with a “boring” post as a Scientist, and Robyn the “pointless” post of Test Pilot. The only one who’s thrilled is Hawk, tabbed as a Fuel Taste-tester. Initially resenting their reversed assignments, Robyn and Eagle find they must team up in their new roles to rescue Starling when she and Coot’s weather balloon are swept away by a weather phenomenon called “Cloud Suck.” The Racers learn to appreciate each other’s talents, seeing that their chosen pursuits are equally worthwhile. Hawk, meanwhile, learns that too much of a good thing can sometimes be not so good.