Episode Title:
Episode Description:
Eagle, Raven, Hawk and Robyn wait outside Headmaster Crane’s office to be brought in before him. Clearly, they’re all in big trouble. Eagle blames Raven, Raven blames Eagle; even Robyn and Hawk have their own opinions. As they quarrel, we flash back and learn how they got into this mess: the Racers are on a class trip to Venus not far from a creepy old abandoned space station, rumored to be haunted, in orbit of the planet. In a test of bravado, the kids screw up their courage to enter the dark, scary space station. What happens next becomes a matter of opinion and point-of-view: which of them accidentally set events in motion that caused the space station to re-enter Venus’s atmosphere and break up? In separate vignettes, we see and hear what transpired from each Space Racer’s POV — which couldn’t be more different — until Headmaster Crane finally confronts them to deduce the truth.