Episode Title:
Movie Night.
Episode Description:
Movie Night: The characters have trouble deciding which movie they want to see: Pyrrha wants to watch "Love More Than Likely" (Pyrrha is "saved" from a Grimm by Jaune crashing into it on Zwei), Sun wants to watch "Try Hard 2: Try Harderer" (Junior Detective Sun get into a shootout with Roman Torchwick, Sun plays by his own rules from playing a board game with Neptune, and they walk away from an explosion behind them in slow motion, in an obvious parody of Die Hard), Velvet wants to see an animated children's musical (only for it to get immediately shot down by Sun), Jaune wants to watch "The Hunts-Man Rises" (Jaune monologues atop a building, much to the annoyance of Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury), and Ruby wants to see the "horror" movie "Dog Rain" (multiple Zweis fall from the sky). As Jaune questions how "Dog Rain" is a horror movie, the movie theater closes for the day.
Wore It Best: Neo tries on various outfits while Roman watches.