Episode Title:
Evil Plans.
Episode Description:
The Return of the Pickles: Once again, Ruby struggles to open a jar of pickles. Sun offers his help, but fares no better. He suggests asking Yang for help, but Ruby tells him never to ask Yang for help with jars. However, at that moment Yang bursts into the kitchen. Yang's jar opening methods turn out to be needlessly violent and destructive.
Evil Plans: Cinder and Emerald openly draw up their "Ultimate Evil Plans" on a whiteboard in their dorm room. When they are paid an unexpected visit by the overly friendly pair of Ruby and Nora, they successfully play off their evil scheming as a cake recipe for a kitten charity, despite Mercury at one point walking in with a "Kitten Killer 9000" rocket launcher.
Butler of Cakes: When Ruby tries to bake a cake, the privileged Weiss asks her why she doesn't simply have her "cake butler" bring her one. Ruby leaves Weiss alone in the kitchen for five minutes, only to find the whole kitchen on fire when she returns. When Ruby asks Weiss to help clean up the mess she created, Weiss asks her what "cleaning up" is. Ruby sarcastically tells her to ask her cake butler after spraying her with a fire extinguisher and leaves.