Episode Title:
Zombies and Lunch.
Episode Description:
During a zombie apocalypse, Shiromo and Teddy are chased through the desert by a zombie horde. The Molcar duo find a garage to hide into and locate a spiked snowplow and a minigun which Teddy uses against the zombies. Elsewhere, a Burger Molcar trods through the desert. The chase that ensues between Teddy, Shiromo, and the zombie horde reaches and goes around the Burger Molcar, causing it to become dizzy and dislodge the large hamburger on its back. Teddy, Shiromo, and the zombies are about to fight over the giant hamburger, which happens to be edible, but the Burger Molcar blows a whistle to calm everyone down and pick what they want to eat. Shiromo takes the lettuce, Teddy the tomato slice, and the zombies the beef patty, leaving the bun to the birds...