Episode Title:
The Buildings are Falling Down!
Episode Description:
Potato and his driver (Mizuho Misato again reprising her role in the interior scenes) have just disposed a soda can into a nearby trash bin as nearby, Abbey is being loaded with new rockets by his otaku driver. Rose, a beige Molcar with red patches and hoop earrings, passes Abbey and remembers him from his cat rescue in episode 10 of the first season. A chase between Abbey and Rose ensues, causing the former to step onto another soda can on the street, slip, and have his new rockets dislodge and ignite. Teddy catches one of the rockets, but nudges a nearby building housing a jewelry store, toppling it and several others in the process. Potato, Abbey, Rose, and Teddy, as well as Choco, who takes off with several items from the jewelry store shortly before the incident, and unlucky passerby Shiromo who happens to join the group, are brought to court along with their drivers. At court, the judge revokes the Molcars' licenses and sends the Molcars back to Driving School at a mountaintop outside the city.